Early this summer, Rev. Robert Griffin was invited by
Micah Fink of PBS to take part in a taping of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean
specifically focusing on homophobia and religion in Jamaica through the outreach
of Sunshine Cathedral in Jamaica.
The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting in association
with the M∙A∙C AIDS Fund and the City University of New York Graduate School of
Journalism made this project possible as they focused on stigma and
discrimination that prevents people around the world from accessing HIV
prevention, care, and treatment services they need. This is particularly true in
areas of the Caribbean, such as Jamaica, where anti-sodomy laws and concerns
about violence put vulnerable populations at extreme risk.
The first of the five-part series will begin airing on
the PBS series World Focus on Tuesday, September 22nd; please check
local listing for timing. Also, web videos of all five pieces are also going to
go live on the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting website early next week as
well. The videos will, we believe, be available internationally at http://pulitzergateway.org/the-glass-closet/.
For our associates in the New York area the series
will kick off on Tuesday with two events, a viewing of the series at the
Columbia University’s School of Journalism at 4:00 PM followed by a
reception/panel discussion at the City University of New York Graduate School of
Journalism. Seating is limited so if you plan to attend please RSVP to
We are uncertain as to how much of Sunshine
Cathedral will be presented in this special; however we invite you to watch the
Micah Fink is an Emmy-nominated producer specializing
in international affairs, public health, national security, and environmental
issues. Micah’s work has appeared on Wide Angle, Frontline, National
Geographic Television and ABC News. He has written for print,
magazines, and the web. His recent work, Glass Closet, explores the
intersections among homophobia, violence, stigma, religion and the disease in
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