"My work has taught me that any pain or struggle is a signal to relax and let go. Pain and struggle are signs you are holding on to a fear, judgment, expectation, doubt or some other self-limiting thought." — Dr. Robert Holden, Shift Happens: Powerful Ways to Transform Your LifeWe all are familiar with stress. But our stressful situations are often made worse by our own attitudes. Situations can be difficult, but our attachments and our "shoulds" and our resentments and our fears all keep us tied up in emotional knots. The result is we get tired, cranky, and we become less effective. Dr. Holden assures us, "The best things in life happen when you dare to let go! How good is romance when you let go
and trust... How attractive you are when you let go and relax! How effective at work are you when you let go and give yourself fully! Letting go inspires creativity, intimacy, laughter, balance, abundance, and peace."
Our attempts to control life will leave us exhausted and dissatisfied. But when we let go of our judgments and allow ourselves to be present to what is, we find we are part of creating something wonderful, dynamic,
exciting, fun, and miraculous. And when we are having THAT experience, stress is suddenly nowhere to be found. Let's let go today and be present to the possibilities that exist for us; let's be part of the joy
of being our best selves, now.
(Reprinted from February 19th, 2008)
© Durrell Watkins, Sunshine Cathedral, 2009
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