Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Murder in Jamaica...There is Something You Can Do

Speak Out Against Homophobic Violence

Since 1997 Amnesty International has recorded the murders of more than 35 gay men in Jamaica. 32 incidents of mob violence have been recorded in just the last 18 months. And last week, another gay man was attacked and brutally murdered in that country.

John Terry, a British diplomat living in Jamaica was beaten and strangled. A note found near his body read, "This is what will happen to all gays."

You can email the Jamaican Prime Minister, The Hon. O. Bruce Golding and tell him that as a person of faith you are calling for decisive action to change the culture of violence and intolerance in Jamaica. And join us in praying for an end to homophobic violence in Jamaica and around the world.

Here is our statement on the recent killing.

1 comment:

  1. I would certainly send Bruce Golding an e-mail if the link would get me his address. I do not know Golding's address.
    Please send to:
