Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Do We Call Jesus “Teacher”?

Q&A by the Reverend Doctor Durrell Watkins, Senior Pastor

Question: Why do people call Jesus the “Master Teacher”? I was raised to believe Jesus was divine, and that he was my savior. This “Master Teacher” talk is new for me.

Answer: I think “Teacher” is a great title for Jesus. I don’t often use the word “Master” because of its hierarchical and abusive connotations in our culture; but for me, Jesus is certainly a Great Teacher! Remember this story from the synoptic gospels — “…a man ran up, knelt down before Jesus, and asked him, ‘Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ And Jesus answered, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.’” He then went on to teach the man an important lesson. He taught him that generosity was more important than legalism, but notice what else happened. He asked “why do you call me good?” He didn’t ask “why do you call me ‘teacher’?” Can you imagine a more powerful, relevant teacher in human history than Jesus?

There is a wonderful saying in the South, “You can’t teach what you don’t know and you can’t lead where you won’t go.” Jesus knew that he was one with God, and so he teaches us that we, too, are one with God. Jesus stepped out in faith to heal and help others, and so he teaches us that we, too, can be channels for miracle working power in our world.

We can think of Jesus as “Lord” (over against forces of oppression in our world) or as “savior” (rescuing us from loneliness and despair) or even as “redeemer” (showing us our innate dignity and sacred value), but Jesus is also a great teacher pointing us in the direction of hope and healing and happiness by his words and example.

Thinking of Jesus as a Teacher doesn’t diminish his importance; in fact, because he knew his oneness with God, he can show us ours. He can teach us the Truth, because he knew it. And because he teaches us, we know it too.

If you don’t like the other titles people have used for Jesus, e.g. “savior,” then “Teacher” is a great alternative. If you are satisfied with the other titles for Jesus, “Teacher” is just one more appropriate and biblical word to add to the list. Whatever else Jesus is for us, he is undoubtedly a wonderful Teacher.

If you have questions about faith, the bible, the church, or sexuality & spirituality, you can email your questions to, or go to the Ask the Reverend Durrell Watkins page and click on the link there. Rev. Durrell Watkins will answer your questions and publish the answers here and in the weekly SunBurst. Your name will always be withheld, so only the actual question and the response will be published.

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