Friday, July 10, 2009

Why aren’t my prayers doing any good?

Q&A by the Reverend Doctor Durrell Watkins, Senior Pastor

Question: None of my prayers seem to work anymore. I’ve prayed for people to get well, and they’ve gotten worse! I’ve prayed for financial blessings but I still struggle. I’ve even prayed for my love life but I’m still alone. Why aren’t my prayers doing any good?

Answer: Abraham Heschel wrote, “Prayer cannot bring water to parched land, nor mend a broken bridge, nor rebuild a ruined city; but prayer can water an arid soul, mend a broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will.” If we think of prayer as a magic bottle that will release a wish granting genie, then we may find ourselves disappointed when the wishes don’t come true. But if prayer is the change of attitude that helps us change for the better, then the better “us” can create a better life for ourselves.

Begging creates desperation, and a desperate spirit is not a receptive spirit. Prayer, rather than begging, is more of a release. Try sitting in the Silence. Just breathe. Feel gratitude for the solitude of the moment. Know that at least for that moment, all is well. Just relax and experience the peace of quiet breathing. That is centering prayer, and it will almost always leave you feeling better. I find such prayer to be effective.

Another formula you might try is affirming your good rather than begging for it. Affirm that Good is at hand, and then allow it to come however it may. It may not look exactly like your desire, but sometimes it will, and sometimes it will even be better. Such a prayer can be very simple: “Dear God, I relax in your presence and know that your grace is enfolding me and my dear ones now. I trust your grace to provide for every need and to bring wonderful blessings into manifestation at the perfect time and in the perfect way. Thank you, God. Amen.”

When I was in college, I complained to a wise older friend that my prayers weren’t working. She could tell I was quite anxious. Her answer to me was brilliant. She said, “Never pray hard. Always pray easy.”

If your prayer helps you experience a moment of peace, then it is a perfect prayer. And once you achieve a peaceful state, you may find that specific blessings find their way to you as well.

If you have questions about faith, the bible, the church, or sexuality & spirituality, you can email your questions to, or go to the Ask the Reverend Durrell Watkins page and click on the link there. Rev. Durrell Watkins will answer your questions and publish the answers here and in the weekly SunBurst. Your name will always be withheld, so only the actual question and the response will be published.

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